Workforce Development and support
Acts in an advisory capacity for the purposes of: (1.) planning annual activities based on the needs of the local Federal community & OPM directives; (2.) pooling resources & experiences to support & advance the capacity of the Federal workforce; (3.) fostering partnerships with professional & community groups to raise awareness & promote public service.
- Served as a Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) recruiter. Reviewed 41 resumes and mentored highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through internships or permanent jobs. The WRP is the primary pipeline bringing students and recent graduates with disabilities into federal employment.
- The DFW FEB 12-Month Mentoring Program is designed to foster collaboration, expand the breadth of knowledge about the Federal government, be a safe place for the interchange of ideas, build confidence of all participants, increase knowledge, encourage growth, lead to employee retention, and provide a fresh perspective that is not tied to an established agency’s mindset. This year’s cohort of 15 graduates enjoyed a keynote address by the Honorable Sarah E. Diouf, Administrative Judge Dallas Regional Office, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board.
- DFW FEB successfully hosted 11 Training classes in FY-2021/2022 to benefit the Federal community.
- Interviewing Techniques Two-Day Workshop
- Conducting Difficult Conversations
- Coaching for Leaders and Managers
- What’s in your Federal Retirement Wallet
- Emotional Intelligence Training
- 10 Steps to Create a New Belief (Post COVID-19 Work Environments)
- Building Strong Teams Virtual Training
- Developing the Leader Around You
- Federal Leaders of Tomorrow
- Pre-Retirement Benefits Webinar with Aetna (4)
- 40-Hour Basic Mediation Training with New Orleans and Dallas Federal Executive Boards
- Held our 2022 Interagency Public Service Awards virtually, received over 600 nominations; the FEB awarded 14 federal employees with public service awards in various categories. The DFW FEB Workforce Development Committee hosted a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (DEIA) Speaker Session with Natalie H. Veeney, Diversity Program Director (Acting) Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Services, U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Ms. Veeney spoke on the importance of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access in Federal Government